It is impossible to tire of Wet Tropics birding so on the day we were to depart it was easy to say, "just a bit longer...' So we were taken down to the nearby Lake Eacham car park and spent a decent hour or so strolling back. Wet Tropic endemics [or Wet Tropic sub spp] were the main targets.
Pale Yellow Robin |
Victoria's Riflebird - young fella |
Victoria's Riflebird - young fella practising the moves |
Victoria's Riflebird - young fella, "YES!" |
Finally leaving Chambers we headed north across the Tableland for the contrast of some dry country birding near Mareeba. The creek that ran through the western slopes provided the habitat for White browed Robin, our target. Sadly the bird stayed both mute and invisible. We did see some nice stuff though....
Yellow bellied Flyrobin nesting |
our first Eastern Yellow Robin |
male Rufous Whistler |
Rainbow Bee eater |
Cairns, getting the tide 'more right' this time.... We arrived right on high tide. It was a lower tide and, as a result, there was still exposed mud and a relatively small group of waders sitting atop it. Staying for a few hours allowed us to eat our last lunch together and view a few coastal birds with an emphasis on the migratory waders.
Esplanade Waders
How many spp can you spot? |
Sharp tailed Sandpipers and .... |
Terek Sandpiper |
Terek Sandpiper + and then clockwise from top left; Great Knot, Black tailed Godwit, Great Knots and then Sharpies. |
Centenary Lakes is always a good option; especially as they recently hid a small group of Spotted Whistling Ducks..... We missed them however we did score some good birds.
Black Bittern [BIRD OF THE DAY!!!] |
Pale vented Bushhen |
Pale vented Bushhen |
Esplanade again
Mangrove Robin |
We returned to attempt to ensure that few would go home without Mangrove Robin as their lifer. Torresian Kingfisher was heard but not seen.
We finished our second trip with a pool-side Pizza and beer party. I, for one, was buggered!
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