Sunday, September 22, 2019


Sooty Terns on Michaelmas Cay
Still the trip has not started however most of the crew opted in for a day trip to Michaelmas Cay and then on to the outer reef; specifically Hastings Reef.

From wikipedia;
Michaelmas Cay is important as a breeding site for several species of terns. It has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports over 1% of the world populations of greater and lesser crested terns.[2] Sooty terns and common noddies also breed there. Other terns that have nested on the cay in the past include roseate and black-naped terns.[3]

Green turtles sometimes nest on the cays. The surrounding reefs have a rich marine fauna, including giant clams.[1]
Great Frigatebird - sub adult male - BIRD OF THE DAY!

Great Frigatebird - sub adult male - BIRD OF THE DAY!
Great Frigatebird - sub adult male - BIRD OF THE DAY!

Great Frigatebird - sub adult male - BIRD OF THE DAY!

While never a huge number of species on the Cay there is a huge number of birds.
We were rewarded with sightings of;
Sooty Tern
Common Noddy
Brown Booby
Greater Frigatebird
Great Crested Tern
Lesser Crested Tern
Black naped Tern
Ruddy Turnstone
Silver Gull.

Sooty Tern

Sooty Tern chicks
Sooty Tern log
Brown Noddy

Brown Noddy

Brown Noddy

Brown Noddy
Lesser crested Terns
Great crested Terns
Black naped Tern

Black naped Tern
Ruddy Turnstone
Brown Boobies
Brown Boobies
Brown Boobies
Brown Boobies

After a couple of hours on or near the Cay lunch was served and we cruised out to Hastings Reef. Herer a few more bird species were added;
Common Tern
Black Noddy
with more views of most of the above species. In particular we got reasonably nice views of Black naped Terns in flight.
Common Terns
Black Noddy

Black Noddy

The snorkelling as expected was great with warm waters and good visibility. Thank you to Seastar Cruises for the experience.
rtl - Derek, Glenis, G;enys, Bruce, Jan,Wayne, Helen
Jan happy snapping

ltr Jan, Glenys, Wayne, Helen, John and Glenis

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